Monday, August 5, 2013

Practicable Weight Loss Plan for American Girls

Weight Loss Diet Plan for American Girls

There is a lot of pressure on the average American girl to look model slim or thin.Managing this pressure is the first step you have to take in your goal to lose weight.

It all start from knowing how to maintain a healthy diet plan and sticking to those plan consistently.More often than not, most girls that do begin a weight loss diet plan do it the wrong way or could not have the gut to see it to the end.

If you want the right weight loss diet plan,here they are:

Avoid Taking Diet Pills

Most of the diet pills in the stores most times have side effects that would cause more harm than good.They are powerful stimulants that burn up more calories from your body by speeding your heart and other functions.

Most times,people who take to diet pills, gain the weight back in no time.Do not take drugs like Ritalin and Aderall to lose weight.They are no good at all.

Eat Breakfast Regularly

Taking breakfast makes your body set to work.fruits such as bananas,apples and oranges are great to start with.The you can take eggs;they are high in protein but has low calories and you can cook them in olive oil spray.A bowl of oatmeal or cereal is good fro breakfast as they keep you from feeling hungry easily.If you don't like oatmeal or cereal ordinarily, then dress it up with cinnamon,but no cinnamon with sugar,blueberries,bananas and strawberries.

Do not drink soda or caffeine in the morning.They are high calorie drink, full of sugar.Instead take a cup of tea.

Take Snack Regularly

During school if you go to school, you can take healthy snack and eat it between classes.Make it fruits.You can take granola-type bars but ensure you take one low in sugar.Do avoid hydrogenated foods because they are highly processed and not good at all for your heart.

Do not eat chips,cookies and candy bars.They are high calories foods and make you feel hungry quickly.

Eat Lunch constantly

You lunch should be whole grain bread and lean meat like chicken, turnkey and tuna.You should dress it with vegetables like lettuce, cucumbers, peppers,tomatoes,olives and top it off with mustard or hummus.

Your dessert should be fruits or any low fat yogurts.

Do not foods such as french fries,pizza,chicken nuggets and nachos.They are good to eat for sometimes but do not eat them every day or you will gain weight.

Snack in Between

You may take snack such as light popcorn or carrots in between lunch and dinner.If you eat small foods throughout the day, this is much better than you starving yourself once or twice daily.This help burn calories at a healthy rate.

Drinks Lots of Water

Drinking water is a big part of healthy diet,especially if you are involved in sporting activities..Most times if mistake thirst for hunger.If you drink enough water from time to time, it would help you drive hunger away.

Drinking water regularly is good for metabolism.

Be Active

People eat a lots when they are bored,not just because they are hungry.As a girl, getting involved in sports after or during school hours will keep you busy and they as well exercise your body.The result being that you lose some weight in the process.

Even if you don't like sports, you can join a club,play instruments and these keep you busy.

Right Perspective of Food

It is food that makes most American girls fat, it is not eating good and healthy foods.

If you eat lost of fruits and vegetables,cut back on sugar and avoid fried foods,fatty foods, cookies,pizzas and chips, you will surely cut down on your weight in the long run.

Avoid Alcohol

It's big trouble if you drink as a girl.Drinking kills your appetite for foods.It is full of calories and it stop your burning from burning fat and you then begin to gain more weight in no time from the alcohol.

I hope you follow these weight loss tips and you will be the better for it if only you are determined to do them

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