Wednesday, July 31, 2013

16 Best Kept Secret on How to Lose Weight Fast

 How to Lose Weight Fast

If you had tried hard losing weight and you feel the diet menu and plans does not seem to be working for you,then let me bring the cat out of the bag and tell you my best kept secret of losing weight fast.

Well, you may be pessimistic seeing title such as this and think to yourself that it is one of those article you have read before.Just don't conclude on anything yet.I am writing this to help you lose weight.

How can you lose weight?

There are 10 ways I will be stating here and i hope you follow through on these recommendations.

Okay.let's go.

1.Stay away from Restaurants Foods or Junks

 This is one sure ways of getting your excess weight off your body.These foods that you think are yummy and delicious and you just can't resistant at your favorite restaurant are one of the reason you are not losing weight.

If you are that kind of person that eat out for at least 7-9 times a week. It's better you stop.Try  cutting it to once in a week.Eat more of vegetables and protein when you eat out.Instead of eating past,why not eat grilled chicken salad.

Vegetables and protein food helps you to lose weight.

2.Stop buying Salty Foods


You would see yourself lose weight easily if you stop buying snacks,buggers,pizzas and other salty foods. Too much of salty foods obstructs your plan to lose weight.

3.Do not Skip Breakfast


If you are those who used to skip breakfast.Do not do that anymore.If you eat breakfast of about 300 calories of healthy mix of protein and whole grains, this will limit the hunger pang of snacking during the day.You could lose almost 65 pound in a year.

4.Put in Exercises and other fitness Routine


Try running 20 minutes a day especially during lunch time and in 2 hours, you will lose at least 20 pounds.Trying exercise regularly and different fitness routine will help shed excess weight.

5.Stop Smoking


If you smoke, there is a high probability that you would put on weight.It is best for you to quit smoking now and start to work out.This will help to lose weight in no time.

6.Do a Clean up


By doing a clean up, I mean you should take time to clean your pantry of foods like ice cream,fatty foods and replace with lower calories foods or snacks.Eat foods such as roasted sunflower seeds,cereals and other whole grains foods.

7.Workout During Leisure


Use your time off work to do some light work out such as walking and running r jogging as well.Instead for  going for lunch or dinner eating junks foods.Take low calories snack and work out more.

8.Fire yourself Up


Having stuff like ipod with songs that will make you want to go to the gym, can help fire you up to go do your workouts in the gym.

Some songs do have a way of energizing you to desire to increase your speed on your elliptical machine.

9.Fall in love with Veggies


Ensure you fill you regular meal with vegetables.If you love pizza, you can top it with arugula and green pepper instead of pepperoni.This makes you full quickly and tend to eat less.

So, adding more vegetables to your meals is great way to losing weight fast.

10.Fit in Small Douse of Exercise

Instead of the temptation to want to munch in front of TV while not do jumping jacks and crunches during TV commercials.This does help to burn extra calories and avoid munching while watching TV.

If you have tried all these and still cannot lose weight as you want,there is another way out.I will invite you to check out Gastric Bypass Surgery

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